What a GREAT performance! Toninho Horta & Jack Lee@Cotton Club

今日は、コットンクラブのライブに行った。そう、数日前に来日を知り、絶対行ってやると心に誓ったアーティスト、Toninho Hortaと、ソウル出身のギタリストであり、トニーニョとは18年来の親友だというJack Leeのデュオライブである。
来日を見つけてしまった! Toninho Horta!!!! - 空間Annex

けっこうギリギリの時間に駆け込んだのに、席はなぜか一番前になった。しかも、何たる偶然、トニーニョの真正面だった! 白いシャツにほどこされた刺繍も、鼻の下に光る汗も、ギターの弦のはじっこだって、くっきり見えるのだ。そして、歌う時の息遣いも、弦をはじく時に指が弦を当たる音とか、はっきり聴こえるのだ。シアワセ。

デュオライブって退屈そうに思えるけれども、二人での演奏、お客さんに手拍子を求める、ソロプレイ、ゲストボーカリストにノビ嬢を迎えての演奏、ミキシングした音を伴った演奏…と変化がついていたので、飽きずに楽しむことができた。そもそも飽きるなんてありえない。彼のコンポジションは、ほぼすべて、死ぬほど聴いても飽きないものばかりなのだから。"Aquelas Coisas Todas"は比較的早い段階で演奏されたのだが、アンコールで"Aqui oh!"をやるというのが、舞台上の2人の会話でわかってしまい、演奏前から涙が出るほどうれしかった。ライブを聴きながら、ずっと思っていた。好きな音楽にはいろいろあれど、やっぱりToninho Hortaは特別だ、と。


現在、ラテン・グラミー賞最優秀ブラジリアンポップ(MPB)アルバム賞において、Toninho Hortaのアルバム"Harmonia & Vozes"がノミネートされているらしい。今年取れればおめでたい。今年取れなくたって、いつか取るに違いないよ。ね。

I went to Cotton Club in Marunouchi to see my favorite guitarist & composer, Toninho Horta. I happened to know Toninho's coming 3 days ago, and decided to go to the concert immediately.
The concert is held with Jack Lee, a famous guitarist from Seoul and a good friend with Toninho for 18 yrs.

Though I arrived at the place 15 minutes before the concert starts, I can reserve the best position! Lucky I am. It was just in front of the stage. And there is Toninho playing the guitar just in front!
You know how close I was. I could see clearly his white shirts with the stitch, his sweat under the nose, his guitar strings...everything. I could also clearly hear him breathing and every sounds he made when he touch the strings. HAPPY I AM!

It seems that the guitar duo live is boring sometimes, but this one was not the case. Besides the duo playing, solo play, scatting, inviting the guest vocalist Nobie, asking audiences's
participation, play with mixing sound...
We can enjoy various play style so there was no worry to be bored.

First of all, it will be hard to get tired of his sounds. I have listened to his composition for more than 10 yrs to death,
but still love them a lot.
Playing one of my favorite song "Aquelas Coisas Todas" already made me happy. But when I noticed that they planned to play "Aqui Oh!" for the encore, I was about to cry as the song is also my favorite! (I was very close to the stage enough to get
their conversations!!)

Toninho Horta sound is just special something to me, although there are various nice music in the world.

Toninho mentioned that his album "Harmonia & Vozes" is nominated for the Latin Gramy Awards 2010.If he can make it this year, it would be great! If he misses, then I am sure that he will make it sooner or later.
Any opinions?